Contract Number: N0017819D7543

NAVSEA has awarded multiple Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts for a wide range of engineering, technical, and programmatic support services and solutions for the Virtual SYSCOM (NAVSEA, SPAWAR, NAVFAC) as well as Commander, Naval Installations (CNI) and the US Marine Corps. SeaPort-NxG furthers the Navy’s Seapower 29 objective to increase efficiency, and allows for tailoring services according to the needs of geographically-dispersed organizations with significantly diverse product area requirements and missions.

Task Orders: DST and Teaming Partners are actively performing work for Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR), Navy Medicine Information Systems Support Activities, Naval Special Warfare Development Group, US Marine Corps, and other organizations/agencies. We will strive our best to explore different business opportunities within SeaPort-NxG.
 Contact Email:
 Phone: +1 (571) 532-9363
 Period of Performance: 1 Base Year + 4 Option Years
 Zone: All (7) Geographic Zones
 Available Order Types: CPFF, CPIF, CPAF, and FFP
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